Chuck the traveler is back in gear! Sitting still and earning a paycheck is tough. Also, teaching 6th grade math is about as much fun as giving a cat a bath. So I feel like I've earned this vacation. Central America is my plan this time around, and I've convinced my girlfriend, Nicole, to come with me. Our goal since buying the Lonely Planet and the plane tickets has been the islands of Bocas Del Toro, Panama.

Flights to Costa Rica were really cheap, so we flew into San Jose. It took about 24 hours of travel by car, train, plane, and bus until we reached Puerto Viejo on the east coast. It was really cool but I didn't take many pictures. Three days later we crossed into Panama.

To cross from Costa Rica into Panama you walk across an old steel bridge built in 1908 by a company from Baltimore. It's rusty and we felt nervous when huge trucks were also going across with us. This guy with his back to us is an unofficial part of Barack Obama's presidential campaign. He was just randomly telling backpackers "Go Obama, Go Obama." I happened to have Obama's book in my pack, so I pulled it out and showed it to him. He was pleased.

On the other side of the mud was this beautiful beach with nobody home. Nicole took one of her 3 daily naps.

1 comment:
Hey Bro-
It's good to see you back. It's weird, you go away, and I get to see more of you than I do (online) than when you're working in San Diego.
This is the first time I've visited the blog since you left. Very nice. Very well organized.
Charlotte sent us a link to a video called Where the Hell is Matt?. It looks like you've got competition. It must be nice to bring a lot of good cheer to a whole lot of people.
One other thing. I hope you don't mind me suggesting stuff, but you I think it would be nice if you posted a TravBuddy "World Travel Map" on your blog.
Mine's got a few respectable locations (even though you have to zoom in pretty far to see Jamaica, and Hong Kong is too small to be even noticed at all), but your map should be very green indeed. It will also tell you what percent of the countries in the world you visited.
Just fill this out.
Anyway, as Dad would say: "Happy Trails, My Friend. Until we meet again."
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